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First Research Projects Workshop in the forest fires field

Workshop de Projetos de Investigação no domínio dos incêndios florestais

On February 14, 2020, the first Workshop on Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects was carried out within the scope of the Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the competitions for IC&DT projects carried out in the year of 2017. The Workshop was organized by the FIRESTORM, MCFIRE and FIREFRONT projects, and had a total of 17 research projects presented in Coimbra, at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Coimbra University.

Under the scope of the FIRESTORM project, two presentations were made entitled “Weather and Behaviour of Fire Storms”, focused to tasks 1, 2 and 5, and “Numerical and experimental study of extreme fire behaviour processes: fire lines and fire whirls”, focused on tasks 3, 4 and 6 of the project. The first presentation was carried out by IPMA and CESAM and the second was in charge of IDMEC, with all members involved in its elaboration.

Primeira apresentação realizada pelo elemento do IPMA
First presentation made by the IPMA member
Primeira apresentação realizada pelo elemento do CESAM
First presentation made by the CESAM member

Presentation made by the IDMEC member

This Workshop allowed to the sharing of knowledge by the members of the projects and the possibility of creating protocols between the entities.


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