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Partners & People


The Association for the Development of Industrial Aerodynamics (ADAI) is a non-profit association created in 1990 by research teams from the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Coimbra.

The CEIF (Centre for Forest Fire Studies) is a branch of ADAI dedicated to the research on Forest Fires (FF).
Its main objective is the promotion of scientific knowledge of the phenomena related to FF occurrence and spread, through the development of research projects and advanced training activities, the participation in pilot projects and cooperation actions. 

ADAI has access to field plots where experimental fires are performed. It has protocols with the Portuguese Meteorological Institute (IPMA), the National Authority for Civil Protection (ProCiv) and with the National Fire Brigade Training School (ENB). It is responsible for fire behaviour and safety modules of the training program of fire fighters. ADAI participated in a large number of National projects funded mainly by the FCT and in more than 20 European projects related to FF.


Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) is the National Authority for Weather and Climate, member of the World Meteorological Organization and incorporates the European organizations for meteorology, such as EUMETSAT, ECMWF, and EUMETNET.

Thus, it operates weather and climate networks in Portugal, and develops several products and services related to weather forecasting, climate monitoring and fire hazard and risk. IPMA has a longstanding experience in developing applications and services based on satellite data. It operates a ground segment for EUMETSAT dedicated to Land Surfaces Analysis (LSA SAF) and provides services for Copernicus Global Land and CAMS, generating a number of products related with landscape fires.

Following one of its main goals, weather forecasts issuance and meteorological warnings, IPMA performs daily briefings with the National Civil Protection Authority including, when appropriate, high impact weather and fire risk indicators forecast.

Taking into account the core competencies and mission of IPMA – life safeguarding and property -, its participation in FireStorm aims to increase the understanding of interactions between specific weather conditions and the fires, in order to improve the forecasting capability and guidance for operational decision-making.


The University of Aveiro (UA) is among the most dynamic and innovative universities in the country, boasting around 14000 students and a unique model of governance (16 Departments, 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centres). The UA seeks to develop and maintain a supportive research environment, where researchers can count on a solid and experienced administrative, financial and legal structure.

The Department of Environment and Planning, University of Aveiro, works in the forest fire’s research area since three decades. Its expertise and experience is very relevant regarding the investigation and modelling of atmospheric processes related to forest fires, particularly smoke emission and dispersion and impacts on the environment and human health.



IDMEC is a private non-profit association of science, technology and training whose members are Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), ADIST and University of Porto. IDMEC is presently the leader of the Associated Laboratory for Energy, Transports and Aeronautics (LAETA). The Centre of Energy and Fluid Mechanics of IDMEC participates in this FIRESTORM project. 

The centre has been playing a relevant role in coordination of EU and national projects in Energy and Fluid Mechanics projects. The research covers a broad range of fundamental and applied topics directly related to energy such as combustion of coal and the formation of fine particulate matter in biomass, turbulence physics and modelling, computational fluid dynamics, development of computational tools to study uncertainty in reactive flows, and forest fire propagation.

In this project, the research centre is working on the numerical modelling of the convective, reactive, and radiative problems related with forest fire propagation in extreme fires, in which the vegetation is modelled as a porous medium. In addition, DNS simulations of homogenous turbulence are being conducted to characterize the turbulent particle dispersion, in order to improve turbulent dispersion models used in large eddy simulations of in fire plumes.

strategic advice

Our Advisory Board

Albert Simeoni

Albert Simeoni, Ph.D.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA - USA

Professor, Head of Fire Protection Engineering Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts.

He has more than 20 years of experience developing experimental, analytical, and numerical techniques to better understand fire dynamics and to predict fire behaviour.

He has also experience as a consultant in fire science in the US and has spent over 10 years volunteering and working as a firefighter in France.

Jason Sharples

Jason J. Sharples, Ph.D.

University of New South Wales / UNSW Canberra

Jason is an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of New South Wales and is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Modelling and Simulations Society.

He is the Leader of the UNSW Bushfire Research Group and is part  of the Computational Science Initiative in the School of Science at UNSW Canberra.

He is currently Lead Chief Investigator on a number of Australian Research Council research projects and Project Leader for the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC’s ‘Spot fire coalescence’ project.
These projects all consider various aspects of dynamic wildfire propagation, extreme wildfire development and wildfire risk management. Jason is also a volunteer firefighter with the ACT Rural Fire Service.


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