Ilda Novo and João Rio, from IPMA, a partner institution within the scope of the FireStorm Project, were present at the ICFBR 2022 Conference – 3rd International Conference on Fire Behavior and Risk, from 3rd to 6th of May of 2022, on Hotel Carlos V in Alghero, Sardinia, Italy.

In the scope of FIRESTORM project, two presentations were made.
Ilda Novo presented the work entitled, Typical weather conditions of large wildfires, Portugal (1980-2018), and João Rio presented the work entitled, Evaluating the vertical profiles of the temperature, relative humidity and wind speed in the boundary layer in a region with complex terrain.
This works falls into the Task 1 – Meteorological and climatic conditions to Extreme Wildfire Events (EWE) and in Task 2 – Interaction between atmospheric flows and fires, of the project.