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Lectures with international specialists in the field of forest fires

On January 22, 2021, at 5pm (Lisbon time), the ADAI Forest Fire Study Center held two lectures, with the participation of two world-renowned scientists by teleconference.

1 – Dr. Mike Flannigan (University of Alberta, Canada), specialist in the field of meteorology and climate, with a lecture entitled “Climate Change and Wildfires”.

2) Professor Emilio Chuvieco (University of Alcalá, Spain), specialist in remote sensing, with a lecture entitled “Integration of Fire risk components”.

These two scientists are part of the research team of the European Project FirEUrisk, recently approved by the European Comission, which the ADAI also coordinates, in which the themes proposed here will be deepened.

These lectures were a joint initiative of the FireStorm Project and the PhD Program in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Coimbra.

The lectures were broadcast live on CEIF’s YouTube channel, and you can view them at the following access addresses:

1st Part:

2nd Part:

1st Part
2nd Part

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