- Description and Role in the project
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) is the National Authority for Weather and Climate, member of the World Meteorological Organization and incorporates the European organizations for meteorology, such as EUMETSAT, ECMWF, and EUMETNET.
Thus, it operates weather and climate networks in Portugal, and develops several products and services related to weather forecasting, climate monitoring and fire hazard and risk. IPMA has a longstanding experience in developing applications and services based on satellite data. It operates a ground segment for EUMETSAT dedicated to Land Surfaces Analysis (LSA SAF) and provides services for Copernicus Global Land and CAMS, generating a number of products related with landscape fires.
Following one of its main goals, weather forecasts issuance and meteorological warnings, IPMA performs daily briefings with the National Civil Protection Authority including, when appropriate, high impact weather and fire risk indicators forecast.
Taking into account the core competencies and mission of IPMA – life safeguarding and property -, its participation in FireStorm aims to increase the understanding of interactions between specific weather conditions and the fires, in order to improve the forecasting capability and guidance for operational decision-making.